In December 2015, the village voted 95.97% in favour of the Linton Neighbourhood Plan.
However since then, our Plan has been the subject of a legal challenge by Kebbell
Developments, who claimed that Leeds City Council had unlawfully put our Plan to a
referendum after modifications had been made by LCC. In November 2017, the Royal
Courts of Justice heard their appeal, and finally on14th March 2018, handed down their
decision and dismissed the Kebbell challenge.
LCC have immediately formally approved our Plan and it will now become a very important planning document for Linton.
Please click below for the formal LCC Decision Statement relating to the formal adoption of the Linton NP.
…….decision statement
Also please find below a link to our Linton Neighbourhood Plan, which was approved by the village in the Referendum held in December 2015.
………….Linton Neighbourhood Plan ……
You can view this, or download and print it.
Final version of the Nighbourhood Plan approved by referendum
You can view it, download and print it. It is 56 pages in length.