
Linton is a village located on the outskirts of Wetherby in West Yorkshire. Wikipedia provides a useful page outlining the village location.This website is owned and run by the Linton Village Society (LVS). The LVS wishes to make this website a resource for use by the village and any communities within it. Website and village contacts are provided in the Contact us page on this website.

You can download a Welcome letter from the LVS here

About Linton

Linton’s special interest owes much to the character and the appearance that the village retains to this day. Spending the majority of its historical life as a rural farming village, Linton remained virtually undeveloped well into the 20th century.

As other villages became subsumed and dominated by high density development and inappropriate infill – generally with the loss of much of their historic core, Linton retained its character and appearance through retention and sympathetic conversion of many of its historic structures. The avoidance of high density housing and the discreet location of later developments means that the appearance of Linton today is much the same as in was in 1920. Whilst the village now is almost entirely domestic, with very little working farming element remaining, the character of a sleepy rural location remains intact.