Linton Village Society AGM – 22nd May 2018 – Minutes



22nd MAY 2018

Apologies: Kevin Downie,  Ian Gilmore

  1. Minutes of last AGM approved

  1. A public hearing will be held on 5th June 2018 regarding the proposed Kebbell development on the Ridge site. The Chairman stated that village residents were encouraged to attend on the first day. Refreshments would be provided at the Windmill Inn prior to the meeting and transport would be made available for those who required it to the Leeds City Hall where the public hearing would be held.

  1. A defibrillator has been installed at the Village Hall and twelve people have attended a tutorial in order to be able to use it.

  1. Councillor Ryan Stephenson was introduced having been recently re elected. Ryan has been in post for two years and the LVS AGM that year was his first appearance. Ryan touched on the bridge closure and its grand re opening. Ryan also said that the Linton Neighbourhood Plan is viewed as a good plan of reference for other villages. A 20 mile per hour speed limit will be introduced in Linton and is likely to be in place this year. Stockeld Park development has been a concern due to the approval having been given by North Yorkshire County Council whilst the impact on Wetherby in West Yorkshire is likely to be significant. Ryan stated that both councils have a duty to co operate and work together in such circumstances. Wetherby have an active residents group so Ryan will put them in touch with Linton & Collingham as it could have a knock on effect regarding traffic etc from this large development. A decision regarding the proposed development has been deferred at present. Harewood Councillors are opposing the application due the adverse effect that providing extra services and increased traffic to the Wetherby area.

  1. With regards to the Kebbell proposed Ridge site development, Muddy Lane’s right of way is pivotal to any application. A question was raised as to whether the law of passing on ‘right of way’ to future landowners was legal. Will legal argument site visit include Muddy Lane? Ryan agreed to speak to Mr Copel (Barrister) on behalf of Leeds City Council (LCC). The LCC’s argument is that the Kebbell application is premature as LCC now have a site allocation plan due to be passed by September 2018.

  1. Some monies have been allocated to various projects around the village (Village green project and Village tree planting project). The LNP accounts have now been closed and remaining funds transferred back to the LVS account (as this money was originally donated by LVS for the plan).

  1. Ashley Guise (Chairman), Geoff Wilkinson, Tony Riall (Treasurer), Kevin Downie were re elected. Richard Bolton was elected as a new member. Jenny Guise, Adele Sheridan and Jill Bolton have all stepped down. Any other residents who wished to join the LVS committee would be very welcome.

  1. AOB – The Village Green project has now been completed and is viewed as a welcome improvement to the village. Many thanks to all those involved.

Meeting closed.